Rounding Columns and Recognizing Column Direction from cad layers

Hi community;

I’m trying to use the dynamo graph from this topic How to get the right direction of columns from AutoCAD file which is created by @c.poupin .
85x60cm column type is created in my revit model. But some of them located as 60x85cm and the dynamo graph needs 60x85cm column type to be created. I want dynamo to recognize this direction and create both of them from same column type. (create 85x60 and 60x85 from 85x60cm column type )

Secondly It would be great if we could also create rounding columns from same dynamo graph.
Kolon açılı.dyn (56.6 KB)
kd.dwg (61.9 KB)

Hola amigo @arincakkin buenas. It is not a solution just an idea of how you can get a list of the vertical length and orientation based on the autocad lines, from them you can filter and insert the right family, I hope it helps you!


That look brilliant. I will check it out. Thank you very much

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there is package called KYSUDO has custom node called tocolumngeometry it has outputs as you need exactly, but with me i encountered issue with angled columns
check it out.
Screenshot 2024-03-18 041536

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