Create cable tray By Element Curve


I’m trying to create tray from model element curve I have madae graph. But I shows error msg on All Elements of Type see the image. can anyone help me how to resolve this error.

Try All Elements of Category with a category of Lines instead.

I have faced this problem what i usually do is create a cable tray which type i want and then i select it using select model element and i get element.type now connect this with cable tray type
element.type will be in clockwork package

what type of model element you selected for CurveElement.curve node? I have selected model line but it shows error node

What does the error say?

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I to create model line make sure it is a line not a curve

yes it is model line. Element.type node is available in package but not visible in dynamo why? (i have seen node by package - manage package - show content). so i connect cable tray types as per above image. but dynamo get hang. see the image


Uninstall clock work and
Download clock work 0.7 x little older version

i installed 0.7 X version only. those image are having 0.7 X version

clock work - Revit - Elements - Element - Element.Type


you can download
archilab Pkg

archilab - Elements - Type

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It’s likely for an old version of Dynamo. I recommend clearing out your package library and rebuilding with Dynamo 2.x version packages only as these will be more reliable in Dynamo 2.x.

IE: Clockwork for Dynamo 2.x.y where x and y are the largest number available.

What I meant by ‘what is the error’ is the text which shows up if you hover over the little yellow dialog tag above the node with an error.


Hover over that and it will tell you what the problem is. Copy the text into the forum so we can help you out.