The problem is, that the upper surface needs to be realy small to get a real roof.
But if i decrease the upper surface. The roof gets “destroyed” like in the following picture:
@Fiesta Not sure as to why you aren’t creating geometry in Dynamo, instead of selecting faces.
In any case, see if this works for you … roof1.dyn (17.2 KB)
Another option you could explore is modeling the roof as an actual roof element and then adding a void cut to the ridge. You could even generate the void instance with Dynamo using the FamilyType.ByGeometry node
!! Warning: Revit can not import part of the geometry.
This can be due to different problems with the source file. Adjust the geometry in the file and retry the import.
If you build the geometry in Dynamo, you can have an upper edge, rather than an upper surface and the geometry can be imported to Revit. CurvedRidge.dyn (59.0 KB)