Create a Revision Cloud Schedule

Hello, I need to export a schedule that lists fields from Revision Clouds associated with a specific addendum. We want to use the “comments” parameter on clouds to help automate narratives for changes made in the revision.

I am getting an error when I try to Create Schedule with Revision Clouds as the Category. Can someone point out where I am going wrong?

Thanks in advance.

I don’t believe Revision Clouds are schedulable. Can you do this in Revit?

In fact you can in Revit
Open a Sheet Family, and the option is there in Revit

That’s specific to the Sheet and not a project schedule though. It also only schedules unique Revisions, not the clouds.

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Oh nice! I guess it’s finally available in 2024.

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it may not be in the API, i dont know

Ah good point. I tested with the standard nodes and it still errors. Looks like it’s not yet available.

Could try, but the API notes indicate they’ll only work in titleblock families…

Wonder if you could insert a view though…

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It looks like you can still duplicate an existing one. So if you need multiple you can manually create the first and then duplicate and modify the rest. But you can’t seem to create a new one through the API yet.

I’m working in Revit 2023, so if there is a new feature in 2024 it does not help me for this project, unfortunately.

Also, to be clear: I do not want a Revision Schedule like you see in a titleblock family. You can create these in a Project by creating a new Sheet List and only including fields containing Revision/Issuance information.

I want to create a schedule specifically to Clouds and their parameters. My end goal is to export the instance parameter “Comments” for every Rev Cloud associated with the current revision.


That is not possible in 2023.

You could get this data using the revision cloud class then send it out to excel, but a native schedule wont work.

Better yet: send it to a key schedule. Won’t be live, but it would be in the document without the in between format.

Excel is exactly where I want the info, so that sounds great.
I’m new to Dynamo, can you help with more specifics on what to do?

If you haven’t done Dynamo primer, that.

At least from there have an actual crack at the problem, share your progress and let us know where you’re stumbling. Otherwise best we can do is build the script for you, which teaches noone anything really.

General process is:

  • Get all revision clouds
  • Get their view (sheet), comment and revision
  • Put into a 2D list of lists
  • Export to excel

Honestly the last time I did this it was mostly in Python, so probably not beginner friendly. See how you go with the Primer intro and try to at least get revision clouds and their parameter values.

I have created a graph which does the following:

  • Collects sheets based on the sheet number prefix
  • Collects revisions clouds from those sheets
  • Removes duplicate cloud comments
  • Sends data to Excel.

It takes a little while to run through as it cycles through all the sheets & rev clouds.

Revision Clouds to Excel.dyn (66.6 KB)