Create a Pipe from Point A to Point B

Hello friends, I’ve just started using dynamo few days ago. I’ve created a basic graph that creates two point (A,B). Now, I would like to create a pipe whose open-end becomes point A and its close-end becomes point B as shown in the following image below but I’m struggling doing it in the dynamo, would appreciate if someone provide any guide that would help me to achieve this functionality in dynamo. Thank you

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Check out the MEPover package for some useful nodes towards this end.

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Thank you @jacob.small for sharing some starting point to look into. The package seems interesting, have started reviewing it. Hope will come with some solution soon today. Appreciate your help.

Thanks @T_Pover for publishing the amazing package ‘MEPover’. It helped me to play with pipes easily. And thanks @jacob.small for sharing this info with me. Appreciate your support. Here’s the solution if a beginner wanted to see.Pipe by point solution


for more info, read the following thread

Hi, I am getting crazy with Pipe.ByLine script, I try to do the most simple geometry and doesn’t work, always null, anyone have any idea what happens??

Can you help me?

Thanks you very much

Might be too short as it looks like you’re working in MM. Try a longer line.