Copy material appearance from existing material to existing material

Hi all,

The reason why i need this is:
I have imported sketchup files in my Revit file, but because i m not a paid Sketchup user i cant modify materials in sketchup to match the material names in Revit.
So when i import a Sketchup file it creates new materials in Revit. i want to match those new materials to materials that allready excist.

This is the material i want to copy the appearance settings from:

This is the material i want to copy the appearance settings to:

Would be great if it could work with material name(s) input.

Any help would be greatly appriciated :slight_smile:

Hi @Schasfoortyoeri,

You can simply use the Material Set Appearance Asset Element node.


Ah… thanks!

Was working in Revit2020 and didnt download any packages yet …
Its still early tho :stuck_out_tongue:

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