Copy by design options and category any elements from Linked models

After Copying elements from linked models i found that these elements have been copied to the same place but the issue is that these elements comes from a design options applied to linked elements so all elements copied at each link instance with extra plumbing elements comes from other design options loaded in that link … is there a way to copy elements that comes only from a certain design options from the link or something like that , i don’t know , Please Advise ???

ddddddddddddd.png1907x891 228 KB

xxxxxxxxx.png1027x835 62.9 KB

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png876x379 29.2 KB


Archilab package have a perfect node to retrieve elements by category and option.
If you recreate it in python, you can add the choice of the document.

Thanks a lot Alban_de_Chasteigner , but i\m not a pythonist so please do you mind if you show me how to add the choice of DOCUMENT in Archilab node

Also i need to know what is the design option name ??

I sent you the custom node.
To find the design option name, you could use the OOTB Element.Name

i try to make a dictionary to make dynamo understand that for link instance called “X” copy from it elements that only on design option called “X” but the results are so weird, please advise ? :frowning: :frowning:

2nd Trial_single_Copy Elements from links with transforms.dyn (34.2 KB)

It can be the null values in the list.
Try to clean your list with a List.Clean node or à flatten node.

Ok, i will. But the issue is that the copied elements cant be got at the right position
That was the old issue and it comes again
So maybe the problem comes from transforms??
Also the second issue is that the null objects should not be null, it should refer to the D2 key in the dictionary

I know this is an old thread but where is this node from?


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This node comes from the Genius Loci package.

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