Coornidates - uniqueitems

I’ve been creating a script to get the midpoints of fixtures which are placed in 3x4 arrangement.
So, I changeed the fixtures(elements) to boundingbox and get midpoints then used Math.round - Uniqueitems to not get extra values. But even though the fixtures are on the same x, y value in Revit, it still has different values after I run my Dynamo codes. Is there any solution to round and get the correct unique values?

Hello @jaeho …have you tried prune duplicates

Hi, @sovitek What do I need to put into tolerance when I use the Point.PruneDuplicates node?

For example I want to get only 3 numbers from point. Y but there are still 6 numbers in the result

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@jaeho ,

he takes from each point the coordiantes x.X, y.Y ! can you play with the tolarance via slider?

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I solved this problem through getting the closet numbers between unfiltered numbers and rounded numbers.