Coordinate Tutorials with Updates

I’m certain I’m asking for a Herculean effort here, but I’ve just started learning Dynamo by following and replicating the online tutorials. And in the few days I’ve been doing this I’ve seen significant changes to how certain nodes work TWICE. Specifically the nodes relating to Excel and Image files. It’s becoming a daily frustration to not only have to figure out how Dynamo works, but how it works from day to day.

Perhaps it’s asking too much to have a single version of Dynamo (one that matches what the tutorials use) for the online leaner like myself, and release updates to those who already know what they’re doing.

Thanks for letting me vent… now, I’ll go back to trying to learn Dynamo with the build of the day…

Hi there Adam,

yeah, I totally know what you mean. I feel the same way but I have found that you will have to stay in the culture of dynamo in order to really get a grasp for it.

Here is a solution for your cause though.

that is a link to the previous builds


Maybe someone can mark what version the tutorials are done in. Hope this helps,




Hello Adam Nicholes,

We have created those examples in DynamoInstall0.7.1 or 0.7.2 time frame.

After that we have changed few node names to make it more user friendly.

I will make a note for updating Videos based on new node name.

If you get stuck anywhere, feel free to post your questions.

We are happy to help our users.

Keep using Dynamo.



Oh thank you for your help about the version. I really appreciate that you make a note for the future. It would just be a shame to see all the videos already created go unwatched because of this small minor detail. Keep making videos, keep it open source ( for the students like I) and we will keep using the cool kid stuff.




Very good point about noting the version that the tutorial videos were created with. We are currently making plans for refreshing the tutorials and other learning content, and I’ll make sure we do that. You can also look forward to more written documentation for first-time, beginning, and intermediate users which will be easier to update as changes occur.

One important point here is that if you are following along with the daily builds for Dynamo, some delta between formal documentation and current daily functionality comes with the territory. It’s part of the way we have decided to develop–way out there in the open.