Convert the room boundaries to model lines

I’m trying to convert the room boundaries to model lines. i tried to use GetRoomBoundaryAsCurveLoopArray from the ExporterIFC module to generate closed contiguous boundary loop for a room but ended up having Autodesk.Revit.DB.Line.
RoomBoundaries_to_ModelLines.dyn (35.1 KB)

Hello @s.geddam - You could do something like this :slight_smile:


Hi @solamour …is that a new node ootb "room bounderies ?? or is it clockwork

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I believe there is an out of the box node now, but not sure if that is it.

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Thanks Jacob…i just took a search and looks like archilab

This one is a package as I was in a rush… as we do have an out of the box one now too :smiley:

  • “Rooms by Status” = OOTB, I believe in Revit 2023.


Hi @solamour , Thanks for taking look. much appreciated. Can i ask in which package i can find this node? Thank you

Room.CoreBoundary or Room.FinishBoundary is OOTB :slight_smile:


-got inspired…-this one is a timesaver; creating top floors in all rooms from room boundary. I mean, why does the Ceiling tool have this option, and not floors?
-We usually model the constructive floor as one big slab, and then an individual floor in each room, to get different top coatings and correct quantification. Interior walls connecting to the base floor slab, in around -50mm from Level.
Lots of drafting work, and you know how us DynamoGeeks hate repetative, monotonous work! :slight_smile: