i can not convert degrees parameter to number parameter
I’ve ran into this before. I think it’s something ridiculous like Revit’s internal units for temperature are in Kelvin so you actually have to convert and cancel out units in °K.
(ME_Тп)/ 1 K
(ME_Тп)/ 1 °F
(ME_Тп)/ 1 °R
is not work
Are you somehow using Dynamo to do this or is this just in a parameter formula? It looks like the units are working out but there’s an issues with the conversion.
this just in a parameter formula
Had to look it up again…
Revit only deals with absolute temps internally so everything gets converted to either Kelvin or Rankine. The conversion process is a little weird but essentially your formula would look like this:
(ME_Tn - 0°C) / (1K - 0K)
thank you very much!!! you helped me a lot. I searched so long for this solution and couldn’t find