Hello, is it possible to convert all Revit Dependant views to Independant?
I tried something like this but doesn’t work at all and couldn’t find much of anything online about doing this.
Hello, is it possible to convert all Revit Dependant views to Independant?
I tried something like this but doesn’t work at all and couldn’t find much of anything online about doing this.
It looks like the error says your views aren’t dependent. Have you confirmed that they are? Have you filtered down to just the dependent views?
Some of them are definetely dependent, I couldn’t work out how to filter for all the dependent views
Start by testing just a single view that you know is dependent and work from there. Also, make sure the dependent views aren’t being converted in the background. I used the same nodes and it worked as expected.
Not knowing the node to well but as you indicated “some” of the views are dependent would lead me to test on a single dependent view.
If that works, only feed it a list of dependent views, and then if that doesnt work post the result here
edit… Nick and i replying at the same time -_-
You could filter the list by searching the string “Dependent on”, assuming you don’t already have package nodes that do the same thing.
Also, if you run the script in Automatic, you’ll see the “Silly Dynamo user” for every entry, but if you run it in Manual, you’ll see that it’s actually doing the job properly:
And, of course, you can check the Project Browser for verification: