Task :
Convert simple box to a room, and add walls and floors to a room.
I saw some videos for Revit Vasari, where one could play around with space program. I have been trying to replicate it. So far I have a family of generic model that can be resized, and generates a schedule of itself.
Is it possible to to get walls and floor around generic model ( box ) instead of drawing them again and again through dynamo ?
Is it possible to convert generic model into a Room by dynamo ?
Is it possible to create rooms from schedule ? For example, instead of drag and drop a family into a canvas, can I just add rows in Schedule with desired area / dimensions and it creates a room at zero zero of project ? ( I know its too much to ask for at an initial stage, but I have a hunch Revit is robust enough to tackle something like that )
So now I am able to create walls and floors by clicking a box( generic model ).
However, when I change a shape of generic model, I have to re-run the whole definition, which creates over lapping elements.
Is it possible that when I move the face of the box ( generic model ), the respective wall moves along with it ? something like face of generic model locking /aligning the wall ?
I would really appreciate anyone could direct me if its doable.
Think you need to delete the seperation lines and the room before run, it should be possible to do…anyway how goes when you run from player ?
How about a solution where you build your floors/walls first and then make a room ?