Ligação Caixas.dyn (33.0 KB)
Hello Guys, i made this routine, but the plumbing arent creating pipe to connect. any advices?
the connector description node may not be necessary.
Even so, the plumbing aren’t connecting
You are asking the index of a value, not the Connector element itself. Use List.GetItemAtIndex instead of IndexOf.
still doesn’t work
keep posting and show the errors you get
the conector of the plumbing fixtures simple doesn’t connect. there’s no error…
I have the same problem, I would like to connect two sewer boxes. Has anyone managed to resolve this issue?
Hello @aeespindola and welcome…this one here is a couple year old…its best you show where you are stock so its easer to help…but it works from my side…
Hello @sovitek. Thanks for the tip. With a small change, it worked perfectly.
Hello @sovitek. Do you know a way to connect the routine with this menu in the attached image?