Hi all,
I am trying to connect plumbing fixture to open end of pipe using dynamo or revit api. I know that we can place the family instance at the connector location but is there any way to connect the plumbing fixture to the pipe.
Last time I did this it was easier to place the fixture then delete the pipe and create a brand new one in its place from the necessary connectors, especially if you have to adjust the pipe at all. I don’t remember if you can just “connect” two connectors or not.
Place the fixture at the correct location and get the appropriate connector. Get the connectors of the existing pipe and check for the connected one. Get the attached reference (connector) of that connector. You should now have the connector from the fixture and the connector from the attached fitting. Delete the existing pipe and create a new one via the two connectors.
Hello…think is possible you can do it 2 ways you could try connector to connector, but for me it isnt so stable…so i go with a way where first made my pipe longer and insertt the component and delete the smallest pipe…i use Mepower and Genius Loci
and with connector to connector