Dear Dynamo Users,
Is it possible to find the use the space name from revit model and lookup for the same name in excel and bring other properties in the adjacent column in to revit ?

Green Space name I need to compare to spaces in Revit and find character match
Red - Properties I need to add in the respective Revit Parameters as vales from excel.
Thanks in advance 
Hey Arun,
It’s definately possible :-). What have you tried so far?
Personally, I think I’d use a dictionary for this.
Edit: That being said, I’d also say, that the Space Name is perhaps not the best identifier. The number is probably better. The unique ID could also be an option, if you are exporting space metadata from the model to Excel.
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@MartinSpenceThanks for the response, I’m trying to push excel data into Revit by looking up space names.

Used dictionaries to match the space name in revit to excel space names and now how do I push other meta data information (Space information such as Load, Occupancy, Energy, etc) from excel to Revit?
I need these parameter you see below to be updated from excel.
so I should make my dictionaries match these ?

Hi Arun,
Used dictionaries to match the space name in revit to excel space names and now how do I push other meta data information (Space information such as Load, Occupancy, Energy, etc) from excel to Revit?
I need these parameter you see below to be updated from excel.
so I should make my dictionaries match these ?
You only need one dictionary. The dictionary should be structured so that the space name is the key, and the list of parameters as the value.
So if we look at the values from Excel:

The dict should be structured something like this:
{'Space 1':[3, 10, 240], 'Space 2':[4, 3, 75], 'Space 3':[5, 4, 120]}
When this is out of the way, it will be about list management to get the right values into the right parameters
Here’s my attempt:
I’ve attached the dyn so you can have a go and see if it works for you.
Good luck.
SpaceInfo_Dict.dyn (55.8 KB)
@Martin Thanks for the script and response 
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