Compare links

Friends, I will ask for help again. I’m still getting to know the dynamo and the nodes.
I’m trying a script where I can compare 4 revit links with a model drawn with reference to the cad link.
In other words, I import the cad, draw walls and create environments according to the cad and I need to compare the environments of the revit links with these environments created in the project.
1st I started looking for the links and environments of each file.
2nd I can search for the cad link, but I couldn’t find a way to identify the links with it, or the links in the drawing.
The question is; revit links already come with their environments, so it is easy to identify them, not from cad. How can I identify them?
And how can I look for the size of each room separately too?
Thanks again for any help.

Comparação.dyn (99.6 KB)