Como Configurar FamilyTemplate en el codigo Mass.byShapeCreaseStation Dynamo CivilConnection

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Estoy intentando conectar Civil3D y Revit a través de Dynamo utilizando el paquete dynamo CivilConnection (autor: @ Paolo_Emilio_Serra1).

Me podrian colaborar explicandome si debo crear una familia en Revit o por que no funciona el nodo.

It looks like you just have some inputs switched. Try swapping the wires for the “name” and “shapes” inputs.

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@kytellezs por favor, tiene que escribir en inglés en este forum. @mzjensen tienes razon: hai que invertir los conectores “names” y “shapes”.

Translation (as Spanish is not my forte):
Please write in English in this forum. Zach is right, you have to switch the connectors.


If you’re right, I tried it but it still doesn’t appear in Revit, any idea what the error might be or what I need to do?

@kytellezs If you have more than one loop per Shape it is not going to work (this is basic Revit knowledge on how to create free form solids). In that case you need to review how you create the subassembly. If that is not an option you need to use the Links instead and it will take you longer to work out the closed loops. If you go with the Links you need to use the other node that creates the families starting from the Alignment and closed curves. In general: did you check the output in a 3D view? are Generic Models visible? Can you find the families listed in the Family Browser? In case yes, can you edit them and see what is inside? What is the output under the last node? Can you please check in your temp folder for the CivilConnection_temp.log file? It will help in debugging the result.

Hello, @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1

I ran the code with a Civil3D assembly to check if this was causing me not being able to see them.
But it still doesn’t show me anything in Revit, I already checked the output in a 3D view, if the generic models are visible, if they are listed in Family Browser.
I send images of what appears to me in revit, the temporary one and when the temporary one appears

I don’t know what else to do, please help!

FamiliRevitV2.dyn (45.7 KB)

@kytellezs you need to use a template that supports free form, for example the generic model adaptive component