Column Dimensions

i have an eror in Coloum Dimension I went to the family and assign Refrence Left ,Right, Top and Left but there was a problem in creating Dimensions
the Scribt
Col Dim 02.dyn (127.7 KB)

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it wasn’t the problem It Was wrong from me before i capture it i tried it too much before

try put references input in L2

i tried it doesn’t work i left the Dynamo script acan you try to help me if you have time ?

Have alook in references like shots below

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i Have Made a Change of column Family
The Refrences In Was Center Left /Right
an Center Bottom /top

I Assigned the Right Reference to be Right
and Left Refrence To be Left
and Top Refrence To be Top
Bottom Refrence To be bottom
top Refrence to be Top

then gone to dynamo and get Ther Right and Left Refrence

Did you tried to use old default references and get dimensions?

Try it if not maybe there is a problem with new added references, and then share a detailed shot to see each node out put and warning if any.

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The Default Refrence are The Vertical and Horizontal center of the coloum how can i use it for dimension ?

OK I have an idea for you… You can use column surfaces as references to put your dimensions.

Filter surfaces of columns to hz and vr groups then use node of Revit references from dynamo surfaces to give you the required references to complete dimensions process.

i tried it and still havee a problem
Col Dim 03.dyn (133.9 KB)

What is the warning in last node?
Make sure you are activate plan view
Make sure that number of feeded references is double number of lines

Archilab node
i tried Geniusluci node it doesn’t work too
i don’t know where is the problem
Can you check the script?

The Revit file in question is as important as the graph to make the dimensions. The way a column is rotated could put the references out of plane, which would cause some behavior like this.

Try first on a brand new project with only one column in it, and see if that works.

The Problem Now Is That when i get The Surface And Get The Refrence the dynamo read only one Element like This

And The Scribt
Uploading: Col Dim 04.png…

Col Dim 04.dyn (107.5 KB)

Maybe compare your workflow to mine in this tutorial: Automated Revit dimensioning using Dynamo! - YouTube

If it doesn’t work this way then chances are your references aren’t parallel as Jacob mentioned.

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If you want to make dimensions on each single col. so graph is right and it should give you required dimensions.

If you want to put dimensions between columns Put transpose node after you get references.

i saw you vedio before i start the script ,
i have a problem in the References like i post to jacob ,
the problem is the script doesn’t read the surfaces refrence and i don’t know why

i solved it by going to the family and edit the reference like that and defines it as Left ,Right ,Top,bottom
and the the script worked

but i am trying to create it from the surfaces because i want to add to the scribt the Dimensions from the Closet surface to a grid but i don’t know the problem with the surface Refrence you can try it

I want it to each coloum but i have a problem with the Surface Reference