Colouring Topography by Height Values

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to apply a smooth colour gradient on a topography surface.

Seeing as you can’t colour topography directly I have so far:

  1. Converted the topography to a PolySurface.
  2. Created a colour gradient using the Color Range node.
  3. Used the Mesh Toolkit to apply this gradient to the mesh created from the polysurface.

Currently all triangles are coloured individually, but the pattern repeats with each new contour line. Is it possible to have this gradient stretch across the entire mesh as shown in the example picture?

I am aware that this is a question that has been asked before in a few different ways, mainly stemming from the fact that topography is a pain to deal with in Revit, doesn’t support native colour distribution by height z-values and that Add-Ins like the Mesh Toolkit have a different type of topography to the build in one Revit uses.

Thanks everyone for you help!

Topography to Coloured Mesh.dyn (52.3 KB)

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Hi! :slight_smile:
If the count of your color list matches the amount of vertices the MeshDisplay.ByMeshColor will color the mesh as you’re asking:


Amazing! Thank you for your reply, this is exactly what I was trying to achieve :smiley:

Some of my findings so far for anyone else coming across this post:

  • So far this only works with Revit 2023 and older. Revit 2024 toposolids aren’t recognized as mesh elements by the Topography.Mesh node.
  • The Dynamo packages required are: Springs, MeshToolkit.
  • Gradient has no issues with geometry that has multiple peaks/valleys.

jeg kan ikke finde noden “/w Mesh.ToTkMesh”
en der kan sende hele dynamo filen?


I cant find the node “/w Mesh.ToTkMesh”

Can someone send me the dynamo file?

Hejsa @ncmu28748 and welcome…please translate to english as is the launguge here…[ikke alle taler dansk her i forummet desværre :slight_smile:

ps the node you will find it in spring

Don’t know if it’s a wrong package I have for spring because I can’t find one that’s similar to the one in the picture.
I have everyone else but can’t find the last one :frowning:

Yes you will need springs and meshtoolkit you can download from the package manager

But I’m not sure the spring packag is the right…

the name in the package manager is spring-nodes…know there are some other package called spring out there and is a little bit confusing…

but this one here should be the right one…

Skærmbillede 2023-11-02 111520

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PS and be sure you have dynamoironpython 2.7 package installed as well

Hi Johnathan and All,

I am a beginner in Dynamo and I want to learn more about how to use it effectively. I have downloaded and explored the file that @jonathan.mayer shared.

First, I appreciate that the Topography to Coloured Mesh file has clear steps that help me understand the process.

Second, I am confused about the /W Mesh.ToTkMesh node that Jostein Olsen mentioned. I don’t know if this node replaces all the other nodes in Johnathan’s file or if it needs to be connected somewhere else. (I tried both options but none of them worked.)

Third, I would like to make it compatible with Revit 2024. I have installed the MeshToolkit and spring nodes toolkit as @sovitek suggested, but I am not sure what changes are needed for R2024. I know that the mesh has been updated, but I don’t know which node should replace the Topography.Mesh node or if there are any other mesh nodes required.

Has @jonathan.mayer updated the Dynamo file since Jostein’s comment and can you (or someone else) please share the Revit 2024 version of the Dynamo file? Thank you.

H @ArpadR and welcome here last time i check it works ( i have just mark Josteins solution as is it is), this post is very old try create a new thread with these issues you see…cheers :wink:

Hi @sovitek, thanks for your quick response. Is it that simple as @jostein_olsen image shows, because the shared file is more complicated?