Colour Scheme

Hi All,

I’m trying to create a custom room colour scheme using the RGB data embedded in the room data, I’ve created this dynamo file, at first it seem to work, but now it doesn’t create anything in Revit.

Also I’m not really sure what to connect to the Entry tab on the ColourFill Scheme Update Entry node

Would really appreciate if someone could let me know where i’m going wrong.

Colour Scheme Test.rvt (5.4 MB)

Colour Test by Rooms.dyn (41.7 KB)



First you need to define a random color scheme for your view. (or collect one with Element Classes).
After you can modify it ou duplicate it.

Colour Test by Rooms.dyn (35.5 KB)

1 Like

Great Thanks @Alban_de_Chasteigner

I’ve added a list sort to colors so they now match up in the color scheme

Hi @Alban_de_Chasteigner

I’ve been testing a longer list of the RGB colors and once the colors are defined by Revit and become “In Use” I cant’ seem to clear or update them with Dynamo.

Is there a way to clear/reset the defined color in Revit and update them again through Dynamo?

Colour Scheme Test 2.rvt (1.7 MB)

Colour Test by Rooms.dyn (60.1 KB)



If you run again the Set ColorFill Scheme Properties node, the colors will be updated.

You must sort the RGB colour strings and not the Dynamo Colors.

Colour Test by Rooms.dyn (38.2 KB)

Hi @Alban_de_Chasteigner,

Great thanks for taking a look at this

Hi @Alban_de_Chasteigner,

I now have all my RGB codes inside Revit but when I run Dynamo the color doesn’t seem to update and align correctly within the color scheme dialog box.

The two files are here

Colour Scheme Test.rvt (2.5 MB)

Colour Test by Rooms.dyn (62.8 KB)

Would really appreciate if you have a look over the two files when you have a moment.



You need some basic list management :
The colour scheme has 683 entries and you collect 720 rooms.
A List.UniqueItems node does the trick.

Method 1 :

Colour Test by Rooms update colors V1.dyn (40.0 KB)

Method 2 :

Colour Test by Rooms update colors V2.dyn (41.3 KB)

Excellent thanks @Alban_de_Chasteigner.

This worked great, thanks again.

I do have one further query, is it possible to have names listed under Value.

So for example if a room was called Kitchen in the department parameter could you automatically generate the colour using the same RGB colour parameter assigned to that room.

Just looking for a faster way of creating a new scheme list at can be imported into new projects.
