Color Scheme - Color Code - Rooms in 3D

Hi everyone,

I would like to know if someone could help me on this. I am quite new to Dynamo and I am trying to create volumes from areas in order to be able to see it in 3D view.
To do so I have followed a tutorial on Youtube where I am able to :
Find boundary line of areas > create a surface > create a volume > color override the volume

However I would like the colors of these volumes to match the colors of the Color Scheme of a specific area plan. I tried to extract the color of each area in Dynamo but it was unsuccessful.
Does anyone know if there is a way to do it ?

Thank you so much for your help and have a great day !


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This is not currently accessible via the API at this time, but is on the roadmap.

I recommend using a standard and hard coding it once.


Hi, guys, is there any progress?

Was added in Revit 2022, but I am not sure I have seen it used yet.

Thanks for your reply.
I am using Revit 2021, maybe that’s an interesting function.By the way, I often use dynamo, can we use dynamo to set the color scheme with our template?( if we have a template we can set it for our project,don’t need to set the color one by one)Or Revit can allow us to import our color scheme template?

@SeanP has implementet this, if im not mistaken.

But as @jacob.small says, it was added to the R2022 API.

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Think Genius Loci have some nodes for that…but only works in 2022


I wish I could say I have a solution for this, but I do not have it in 3D, only in typical plans using traditional color schemes. I’d follow @sovitek suggestion.

Here is a way to create it for 2D plans from Excel.


Ah alright. Apologies - my memory failed me :slight_smile:

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No worries, I can hardly remember what i e done myself!


Hi @chang.yeEX3S6,

Here some examples and the nodes I created when Revit 2022 was released.
As said before, this is only possible in Revit 2022.


Yes thats it :wink:

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Looks great, I will try these when I use revit2022, thank you

Would it be possible to upload the dynamo file for this? this is really great!

Hey, is there any solution so far to apply the color from the color scheme of the rooms to the 3D mass volumes??
I am trying to create a 3D Mass from the room geometry and try to categorize the mass colors according to room department that is defined in the color scheme.

this is my dynamo script so far and it couldn’t override the color

Room2Volume 1.dyn (59.2 KB)