Coloring Elements By Parameter Value

Hello everyone,

I am trying to overide floors in 3D view based on parameter of assembly name it belongs to. Unfortunately, I haved tried with ColorSplasher in PyRevit and Modplus but it didn’t work. Therefore I am making a Dynamo script.
I already group element by paramater value and have list of unique paramater value. I don’t know how can I make color random base on the value and overide it to the corresponding group. Does anyone have an idea? Thank you for your help

Hi @tranduytankts something here maybe…

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Hi @tranduytankts ,
Try using this method; it will identify and create colors according to the groups

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Wow, that’s a very smart way to make random color. Thank you for your idea.

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Thank you for your help as always Sir. That works well, just the case that I am having about 70 different parameter so it’s a bit tricky to create random color but finally I found it. Thank you

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A color range might be a bit better here, as the Red to Green listing can be a bit limiting (soon as you have 20 colors I find things can look a bit close together).

The example here also uses Red to green but you can skip defining the colors and just provide 0..1..#List.Count(n); as the input into the value input and you’ll get a larger set of values.

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That’s also a very great approach. Thank you for your point.

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