Clockwork ProjectPosition node


I am trying to use this node Document.ProjectPosition in a script but it somehow always report nulls no mater how I position/reposition the project. Is there a secrete recipe to it?

Using Revit 2022 with Dynamo 2.12 Clockwork 2.3.0

I think this may be due to a change in the API in Revit 2022, both in terms of properties and units.

Open the custom node (double click on it), select everything in the node, close the node, paste it all into the workspace, and wire the inputs from the current custom node into the pasted inputs.

This will produce a meaningful warning on the Python node(s) which are creating the null results, and the community can give you some guidance from there.

Hi Jacob,
Thank you for the reply…The error was in the second layer of custom nodes…and I think it is what you said…the units

Yep, that class is gone in 2022.

Sadly this is going to take a bit to put the puzzle back together. I’ll look into options next week.

You could use instead the Get Project Locations node of the Genius Loci package instead.


“Check Genius Loci to see if it’s got an alternative.” is high on my list of trouble shooting solutions for packages needing an update these days.

Well done as always @Alban_de_Chasteigner!

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