Clockwork All Family Types Of Category is Null

Hey i’m using Clockwork for Dynamo 2.6.0 .But “All Family Types Of Category” doesn’t work. Anyone has faced same problem?

These are the errors inside the node

Hi @arincakkin ,

To use older nodes using IronPython in newer Dynamo versions you need to install the IronPython package. Clockwork uses IronPython2.7 2.4.0.

When i Check . IronPython2.7 3.0 is available too .

Thanks @Daan IronPython2.7 2.4.0 solved lots of node problem. But Clockwork is still out of order:)

Make sure you have the current version of Clockwork - 2.6.0

Also walls are System Families so they behave differently to Families - use the OOTB nodes to avoid errors

Thanks @Mike.Buttery now i have both installed IronPython2.7 2.4.0 and Clockwork - 2.6.0. Still havig same issue

Which version of Revit are you using?

Try this and change Boolean between runs

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