Cleaning up Script & Icon Strings

I was wondering if I could get some help cleaning up a script I have. I currently am providing the revision number in the script and using that to filter and fill-in our sheet index, but each number input is a new set of nodes. Is there a way to have the user input the numbers that correspond to their revisions markers and Dynamo pull that info from one location instead multiple? Off the top of my head I could only think of get item at index

My second question is, is there a way to use icons as a string? I’m wanting to have revisions be an ‘x’ and issued being ‘:black_circle:’.


Hard to say without seeing the node previews, but it looks like you could just combine all four “branches” with proper list management. Every step is the same, so there’s no need for separate branches.

As long as it’s a valid character. Revit allows special characters in some places but not others. Test and see what you can do in Revit. If it’s possible there, you can recreate it in Dynamo.