Hi, as since Revit 2022 has allowed custom Revision Number Type, with multiple prefixes etc, is there any dynamo node that allows us to access them, over the standard Alphanumeric or Numeric.
Above image shows I’ve created a “Tender” Numbering type but not visible on the Dynamo node. Are there any packages that may already pick this up recently?
import clr
# Add RevitAPI and RevitServices references
# Import Revit API classes
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import FilteredElementCollector, RevisionNumberingSequence
# Import Dynamo classes
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
from RevitServices.Transactions import TransactionManager
# Get the current Revit document
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Create a FilteredElementCollector to get all revision numbering sequences
rev_seq_collector = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(RevisionNumberingSequence)
# Initialize an empty list to store the revision numbering sequence names
rev_seq_names = []
# Iterate over the revision numbering sequences and collect their names
for rev_seq in rev_seq_collector:
# Output the revision numbering sequence names to the Dynamo workspace
OUT = rev_seq_names, rev_seq_collector
This might help also, I use many properties of revisions sequences in this dataset. I will have a video on my YT channel at a later date using it (mid-May) that generates a full document transmittal including cross matrix of revision codes, sheets and revisions.
Aside from collecting sheets and forming the set of strings to copy/past to a doctrans the whole thing is done in one Python block, see below:
# Made by Gavin Crump
# Free for use
# BIM Guru, www.bimguru.com.au
# Boilerplate text
import clr
import RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager
import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
# Current doc/app/ui
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
# Define list/unwrap list functions
def uwlist(input):
result = input if isinstance(input, list) else [input]
return UnwrapElement(result)
# Preparing input from dynamo to revit
sheets = uwlist(IN[0])
# Get revision sequences and revisions
revSeqs = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfClass(RevisionNumberingSequence).ToElements()
revIds = Revision.GetAllRevisionIds(doc)
revs = [doc.GetElement(i) for i in revIds]
# Empty variable lists to store to
revSeqNames, revCharSeqs = [],[]
# Get sequence names and characters
for r in revs:
# Get sequence
rsId = r.RevisionNumberingSequenceId
rs = doc.GetElement(rsId)
# Append the name and start a sequence
charSequence = []
# Get sequence characters for numeric...
if rs.NumberType == RevisionNumberType.Numeric:
settings = rs.GetNumericRevisionSettings()
minDigits = settings.MinimumDigits
prefix = settings.Prefix
suffix = settings.Suffix
for n in range(settings.StartNumber,99,1):
char_str = str(n)
pad_str = char_str.rjust(minDigits,"0")
char_seq = prefix + pad_str + suffix
# ... or Alphanumeric
settings = rs.GetAlphanumericRevisionSettings()
prefix = settings.Prefix
suffix = settings.Suffix
for a in settings.GetSequence():
char_seq = prefix + a + suffix
# Append the character sequence
# Get revision sequences per sheet
rowsOut = []
sep = "\t"
for s in sheets:
trackRevs = []
sheetRevs = s.GetAllRevisionIds()
rowOut = ""
rowOut += s.SheetNumber + sep + s.Name + sep
# For each revision in the document
for i in revIds:
# Check if the sheet has it
if i in sheetRevs:
# Get the sequence Id name and get its name
r = doc.GetElement(i)
rsId = r.RevisionNumberingSequenceId
rs = doc.GetElement(rsId)
rsn = rs.Name
# Find the index of the sequence name
i_sq = revSeqNames.index(rsn)
# Find out how many times the sequence occured so far
i_ch = trackRevs.count(rsn)
# Get the sequence character, then track the sequence
d = revCharSeqs[i_sq][i_ch] + sep
d = "" + sep
rowOut += d
# Add the value to the end
# Make the top header
header = "Number" + sep + "Name" + sep + sep.join([r.RevisionDate for r in revs]) + sep
# Preparing output to Dynamo
OUT = rowsOut
This generates data to paste into a doctrans like below:
Hi, though the python (by @jonnyhaslett) works well in accessing the Numbering, I can’t seem to actually use the existing Revision Numbering scheme to create the revisions.
Would anyone be able to help set the Revision Numbering to Revisions?
To create, I’m using Revision.ByName… Screenshot below shows what ever I put on Dynamo, it seems to create a new one in Revit called Dynamo_Alphanumeric in revit instead of using one we prepared prior.