Clean Installation of Dynamo - Package Management

Hi guys,

It seems my Dynamo is getting bogged down with age. I am having a lot of technical issues with installing packages. . I also get a weird message that the package that I am trying to install (Lunchbox) is using a newer Dynamo version, however my Dynamo version is update to date:, which leads me to believe that some system embedment that seems to be bugging out. It also deleted the package once in a while.

I have tried reinstalling and restarting to no avail. Have anybody else encountered these type of problem? Not sure if it is a Lunchbox problem or a Dynamo problem.

I have attached some image of some errors I been encountering. Thanks!









Hello, dear friend. Download it manually from the website, place to packages folder, go to the lunchbox package folder, find any dll files. Then, open properties of every dll, click “unblock dll”, then restart dynamo. This will help.