Clash determine and moving the object by 400 mm from each other


In this image there are 7 ball valve in one place i want move it to each other by 400 mm from each other in circular way so that they do not fall each other in 3000 mm dia circle.
i select all element from warning categories . but further it is hard for me to solve issue someone help me for that.

Take the origin of them all, come up with a direction (vector) which you want to move them - be sure that vector is normalized (length is one). Next build a range of distances from 0 to the count of elements multiplied by your desired spacing (in design script this is 0..#count..3000;). Next you want to use Vector.Scale to create a list of vectors of the desired lengths. Finally use an Element.MoveByVector to reposition the instances -be sure to set your graph to manual before placing the node as you can create an infinite loop otherwise.