CivilSurface.GetTrianglesSurfaces warning / civilconnection

The node “CivilSurface.GetTrianglesSurfaces” gives the following warning (see fig. 1 and fig. 2).

"Get all the triangle surfaces in a CivilSurface via LandXML, CivilSurface.GetTrianglesSurfaces (landXMLpaht: string, onlyVisible: bool = true):Surface "

However, I still get results from the script (see fig. 1 and fig. 3).

Anyone an idea how I can get rid of the last warning?

Revit =
Dynamo Core =
Dynamo Revit =

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Thanks in advane.

Source data:
BA200004.RVT.0125 OT Terrein.rvt (3.0 MB)
RVT2020.2.0_D4R_CivilConnection_TINSurfaceToTopography_LandXMLTriangles_02.dyn (47.0 KB)
BA200004.DWG.0124 OT Terrein.dwg (1.3 MB)

It works just fine

that is the usual warning for the geometry working range. Use the Function.Apply to get rid of the warning


It seems something is going wrong because I’m using both Civil Connection for RVT2020 and RVT2021. In the example below I use:
Revit =
Dynamo Core =
Dynamo Revit =

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Do you also have a solution for this?

Thanks in advance.

Yes, the solution is that you read the documentation of CivilConnection.

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Hi Paolo,

Do you also have a screenshot of the bigger picture? It is not entirely clear to me where to place the “Function Apply” node correctly.
I can also indictate that rereading the documentation was enlightening (thanks for the tip).

Thanks in advance.