Civil 3D Quantity Takeoff Lengths

I’m new to Dynamo and trying to use it for quantity takeoffs in Civil 3D. Does anyone know how to use the nodes to compile the lengths of all objects from a certain layer and export those lengths to a table format in excel? The output would be a two column table with with layer name and linear footage.

Thank you!

Hello @mbrayN4L27, you can try to learn how this code works.

Something i tried but i was not be able is to separate closed polylines after convert them in dynamo objects. This might be useful to get quantytakeoffs of areas and assign the layer.

Maybe @Paolo_Emilio_Serra1, wich is an expert can allow us some idea.

See you here

I was able to figure this out using property sets! Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

@mbrayN4L27 could you please share your solution so we can close the loop on this topic for others that might have the same need?

Of course!

In the “define property sets” in the Civil 3D Manage tab, I created a property set for arcs, lines, and polyline lengths and named this “Length.”

I then used the nodes below to extract this information into excel. Not sure if this is the most efficient way to set this up - but worked how I needed it to!


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