Changing Revit Family to another Revit Family, but keeping same type

Hello, I am still quite new to using Dynamo within Revit, and was exploring various options of how this process can be automated. I know that mapping can be set up in Robot, but this seems to be a very time-consuming process, so Dynamo seemed the better option.

The workflow is as follows:

  1. A model is created in Robot Structural Analysis, this is then transferred to Revit using the integrator.
  2. Dynamo script converts Analytical model to Physical model

Which all works fine, but I am now looking how to automate Step 3 of the process.

  1. Families are changed from those from Robot to Company Standard Revit families of the same Family Type.

I should note that these Families would need to be loaded into the model from a file directory, as we like to keep our Templates light.

Any thoughts on how this can be achieved? Thank you!

Welcome to the forum!

What have you tried so far? Assuming they’re both the same category, you should just be able to change the type without much effort.