Hi all,
I have trying to change all walls material: Description’s parameter from a spreadsheet.
Tried using clockwork from Element.CompoundLayers to list all materials and then Element.SetParameter.ByName (I have a guess this is where the error is coming from) Excel.ReadFromFile. And Error.
If anyone ever tried something similar could give some help.
img src="//cdck-file-uploads-us1.s3.dualstack.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/flex022/uploads/dynamobim/original/3X/8/a/8ac04d7d7c173dec194b1621cb8cb02e4ed50180.png" width=“689” height=“276”>
Thanx in advance!
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If you already have the material names and descriptions in Excel you can search for the material elements by name then change the description.
Is that the workflow you’re looking for?
Thank you for the reply Nick,
I tried to do that, but couldn’nt make it work. The materials description didnt’ follow the materials names.
I have materials names in a spreadsheet list and I’m having a problem to link that list with the “all elements of category” names and their index. Below is this last attemp.
I think to work it would be neccessary to get the index from the “All elements of category” list combined with the material name from excel spreadsheet. Couldn’t find a way to do that though.
You need to get the elements who’s name matches your Excel list, then you can apply the new description to each element.
Thank you very much Nick!!
That did the trick!!
Detected a problem when the Material Name has “:” in it. When that happens there is no filling the Material Description, in addition of the Index returns with problems for the rest of the list. As I had only two Material Names with “:” I manually renamed them.
Yeah, I believe there are a few invalid characters for material names. Glad you got it sorted out.