Changing circuit font styles in panel schedule

In our electrical panel schedules we change the circuit text for existing loads to be grey, and new loads to be black and bold. Sometimes I need to update the panel schedule template to include a new parameter, but doing that erases all of the font changes. Is there a way that I could use Dynamo to save the font data and reapply it to the panel schedule once I have updated the panel schedule template?

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I’m not aware of any nodes that already do this. You would have to use Python and the API to get the schedule table data, check whether each circuit is existing or new, and then use the SetCellStyle method based on those results. But this means you can automate the whole process and wouldn’t have to manually override in the first place. It’s not the most beginner-friendly problem though. If you’re new to Dynamo, I suggest you work through the Dynamo Primer and look into Python and the Revit API.

PanelScheduleView Members
GetTableData Method
GetSectionData Method (Int32)
SetCellStyle Method (Int32, Int32, TableCellStyle)

Thanks for the info, I will look into these.