Change Title Block based on parameter


I would try o change the title block according to a title block’s parameter.
Title block > sheet name’s 6th parameter is the system code in documentation (xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-06-xx-xx)
According to the parameter if the parameter is 06 electrical else electronics.
So i was trying to change the titleblock related to that parameter. Hope that dynamo code is shown below ;

Thanks for support

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@Strider ,

you need elements as input to make a change !

I agree, but i want to filter these according to the title block’s parameter.
It can put same title block to all sheets, is it possible to change title blocks based on sheet name?

XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-06-XX-XX-XX > for mechanical title block
XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-02-XX-XX-XX > for electrical title block

Title Block Change.dyn (53.8 KB)

@Strider ,

you can filter by “string.Contains”

Hi Draxly

Changed to string contains, still need some help.

Also check the forums and looks like a similar code below but cant finalize yet;

note: Also i try to change parameter from sheet > string contains > sheet.totitleblocks, still need some help.

@Strider ,

again, you have to filter elements not ther values!

in the second pic…

…be aware your input has to be a string…

could also be that you have to cycle your values according to the element count

Thanks for your support :v:

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