Change the height of the room to ceiling height

Can someone help me understand my mistake?
I’m trying to create a script in the French version dynamo and revit, which will allow me to automatically change the height of a room (Limit offset) compared to the height of a ceiling or slab or roof (offset from the level ).

*translated from Google Translate, added by Jacob Small. Original text below.
Quelqu’un peut-il m’aider à comprendre mon erreur?
J’essaye de créer un script dans la version française dynamo et revit, qui me permettra de modifier automatiquement la hauteur d’une pièce (Décalage limite) par rapport à la hauteur d’un plafond ou dalle ou toit ( Décalage par rapport au niveau).

Hello Ivan,

In your previous post « Hauteur non liée » missed a « e » and was in read-only (lecture seule) mode.

Now you’re inputting a string (chaîne de lettres). The « décalage limite » parameter is expecting a number. So you can delete the String from object node.

For the next post, please expand the previews (aperçus) under the nodes. It will easier to help you.

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I tested the same script by replacing the ceilings with “floor”. the script worked but the problem is that the floor being drawn at level 1 to + 1m- the room to recover only the height of 1 m and not the relative height compared to level 0. What function does it used?

J’ai testé le même script en remplaçant les plafonds par “sol”. le script a fonctionné mais le problème rencontré c’est que le sol étant dessiné au niveau 1 à +1m- la pièce a récupérer uniquement la hauteur d’1 m et non la hauteur relatif par rapport au niveau 0. Quelle fonction faut-il utilisé?

@IvanKantchovsky - the forum language is English. This is a requirement so that items like the search function work globally. Please translate all posts via online translation service (leaving the original post below if desired) in the future.

Hi Ivan,

You have to do some calculations to find the right height for yours floors.
For example :

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Ok thank you, I understand,
Now I try to make the same thing with roof but I have a problem with the last code block. I dont know that parametr to get:

Hi Ivan,

It’s always the same logic.
Please mark the topic as solved (post 5) and start a new topic for new questions.

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Hello Alban,
I test the script with several level and i have mistake: the heigth of the romm must to be positiv than 0.
When I delete the floor on the level 0 it’s work. What is the problem.

When I try the script on a real project with more levels 5, i have the same mistake