Change the Curve that determines the 2D extents of Grids in Each View

Hello from Vienna @jeremy.colombe :smiley:

Find the script with more Information attached.
I use it to set the grid extents to the cropbox and then set the grid bubbles. The two “Grid to Cropbox” nodes are different in the offset. In SectionViews i use a z-value of 1 for the upper end and a z-value of -0.5 for the bottom end. In PlanViews i use no offset (because i cant^^)´
In SectionViews i only want the upper bubbles. In PlanViews i want the left and upper bubbles, therefore i need to calculate the right bool values, that is something thats missing right now.

It makes a difference if a grid is drawn from top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, right to left. Thats why we have to add this bool calculation depending on the grid curve. See this thread:
Turn On Top & Left Grid Bubbles Only - Revit - Dynamo (

For setting the bubbles see this thread for interesting explanaitions on python, by @Nick_Boyts and @Mark.Ackerley:
Python for Loop - Hide Grid Bubbles - Dynamo (

Grids.dyn (67.7 KB)