Python for Loop - Hide Grid Bubbles


so you have said:

for views in v:

But then you have said:


instead of:


The warning gives a clue ‘List object’ has no attribute… Instead of ‘Grid object’ for example… I also try to comment my way through the code, explaining it to myself helps me better understand what is going on. Also trying to keep everything very obvious helps me :slight_smile:

viewList = UnwrapElement(IN[3]) #unwrap everything in the list
TransactionManager.Instance.EnsureInTransaction(doc) #start transaction
for view in viewList: #get each view in the viewList
   for g, bx, by in zip(g, bx, by): #run through everything in the sub lists, keep them the same length
   	if bx and by: #boolean check
   		g.ShowBubbleInView(DatumEnds.End1,view) #in each view show if the end value is true

Hope that helps,
