I’ve tested it in both 2015 and 2017
Thanks Einar! I’ll try that! I’m also on Windows 10 if that makes a difference…
It doesn’t but I agree with @Einar_Raknes that your Dynamo looks corrupt. Please uninstall the whole thing, delete all packages from the User folder and reinstall. I would also go with Dynamo 1.0.0 as that’s the latest for Archi-lab and many other packages that didn’t update to 1.1.0 yet.
I uninstalled all versions of Dynamo (I had about 4). I tried installing 1.0.0 instead of 1.1.0 like Konrad mentioned, but it wouldn’t recognize it. I googled some stuff and I guess that’s a glitch with the core package not being able to uninstall. Anyway, I reinstalled 1.1.0 and it re ran all the scripts and they all worked! Thank y’all so much!!
3 posts were split to a new topic: Changing Text Element to Uppercase
Guys, please redirect users to start a new thread for a new question.
@john_pierson great answer, but you get no credit here since the original question was already answered and we can’t grant two answers.