I opened an ifc file in revit (file -> open -> open ifc) , and it placed a bunch of duct families in my project browser.
As far as I can understand it made a family and type for every element.
in the project browser it looks like this :
family: duct , type:duct
family:duct1 , type:duct1
family:duct2 , type:duct2 …
Im trying to regroup all these elements so they are all in their correct families and types (family: duct , type: duct)
I made a dynamo script that reads the parameter “Type and family” parameter from element and sets in on another one (tried it with native Revit elements, it worked).
When I used it on these imported ifc elements, I managed to change the family and type of an element, but he then disappeared.
project browser of imported families:
dynamo script:
How it looks in model after using the script (the big duct got changed to family and type of small duct):
When I select elements from the project browser by going to the type ->select all instances I get 2 elements (meaning the change worked), but when I try to access it via schedule (highlight in view) it keeps highlighting the element from which I took the Family and type parameter.
I tried changing more ducts and if I select any of them in schedule it always highlight the original.
I cant figure out what is going on, does any1 have experience with these kinds of families that are auto generated when importing from ifc?