Challenge - Elsa - sketchup to Revit

Sometimes you just want to try something… You know it should be possible… have been on this for a few hours now… and I can’t get it fixed…

tried to extrude surface… to close the bottom and make a solid… to exclude the surfaces that give errors, but then I get half a model…

Who is up for the challenge, bringing Elsa alive in Revit.
(sorry not allowed to place skp or zip)

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As a start: Check for inverted faces (blue side not tan side) In sketchup, flipping as needed as those are notoriously difficult to work with outside of Sketchup.

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In sketchup, export to .stl.
In Meshmixer import .stl, save as .mix
In Dynamo read .mix as mesh >>> create solid >>> FamilyInstanceByGeometry


i exported STL from Revit (plugin) imported into Meshmixer made a solid in meshmixer and exported as STL again… then run the dynamo graph

@Marcel_Rijsmus thanks for the tip…


works perfectly