Celery InputBoundedNumberSlider : Input

Will celery’s not be able to “Input”?
I’d like to be able to read it in Study Inputs of Generative Design in the near future …
スクリーンショット 2020-11-11 174138

Could you ask to the Celery author?

I don’t think this is possible as it requires reading the value to set the range of values which may not be possible. However you can build a version of this which works now and does not require pre-reading anything.

  1. Use an number slider from 0 to 1 with a step value small enough to span the smallest possible spread as a percentage value. IE: if the lowest possible input is 0, and the highest possible value is 1000, you will need a step of 0.0001. This slider will be the ‘value domain’ and should be set as an input.

  2. Wire the low and high values into a range with your defined step (rnge = low..high..step;)

  3. Get the count (cnt = DSCore.List.Count(rnge;) of the range so we can do some indexing.

  4. Multiply the ‘value domain’ by this count, and round the value off. You should now have an integer which can serve as an index.

  5. Pull the value from the range (rnge[indx];) - you now have a variable low and high number slider.

I recommend building a definition, custom node, or other bulk deployment for steps 2-5 (three inputs: low, high, value domain).

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As mentioned above, it was built.
You can do this with a custom node …!
Thank you very much.

Thank you for your reply.
I contacted the creator of celery. He seems to consider it positively.