Based on the script posted earlier I’ve made workflow for matching the room with the ceiling.
The GetSurroundingsElements node is great but it will miss the ceiling if the room limit offset is too low.
So in that case the intersection method with appropriate offset will do the job.
Here is what I’ve done, hope it will help somebody =)
P.S. This script is design to set the room limit offset according the ceiling height in the room.
I was trying something similar but couldn’t get the rooms boundaries polycurves, don’t know why. I have to investigate. Thanks for the input. Update: I came to the conclusion that polycurves can’t be extracted if rooms volumes are already computed…
I want to try your workflow.
But I can’t get some custom nodes.(Room.BoundingElements-Archilab)
Where can you get a “Room.BoundingElements-ArchiLab”?
Please tell me.
thanks again for your help. i am trying to get your graph to work but i keep getting errors, would you be willing to take a look and see what i am missing?
It is hard just from this screenshot to investigate your problem. Please attach sample rvt model or at least highlight and screenshot what is the input to the nodes where is error and the error text. Thank you!
Sorry but I can’t help you without the information from the errors. I really don’t know what is wrong with your script. You should examine the input values to PolyCurveByJoinedCurves. From that I can see there is some issue that causes problem to the chain behind. So this is the only help I can give with this information.
I just did and it worked great! I changed it to select all elements of a category so you do not have to select anything in the model. now I just have to get to read the room number and add it to my ceiling tag.
basically - i use the raybounce get a line to intersect with a room solid. prior to including this double running of the ray bounce i was getting the wrong ceiling height in the room parameter where there where 2 types of ceiling in a room.