Ceiling Align to Linked Model Need Help

I was wondering if there is a way to have a category of a family align to the ceiling of a linked model without using a clash detection because I tried that but it leaves it messy and I share a file with people who don’t shut off generic.

You can clash detect ceilings against your chosen category, then generic models don’t interfere.

You could also raybounce up/down to find the appropriate ceiling.

I am new to Dynamo how would I raybounce?

So currently I am doing a clash detection by adding spheres to the center of each families category then if it clashes to the ceiling it will attach but that leaves a sphere on the families and I cant shut off generic model. Is it possible to delete the sphere after is detects a ceiling?

Are you making the sphere in Revit? You can create some Dynamo geometry (even something simple like a line that goes 1m above and below the element). The Dynamo geometry will be temporary and only exist in the script for you to clash test against.

Regarding raybounce, it’s a node in Dynamo ‘RayBounce.ByOriginDirection’ - there’s also one for links in an add-on package somewhere (guessing Bimorph). It basically shoots a point from an origin in a chosen direction, and reports the first element it hits. You can specify an amount of bounces and a specific 3D view with certain categories hidden/isolated (e.g. for this you’d probably isolate ceilings, and maybe floors and roofs in your view).

Thank you I am new to Dynamo so just learning all of this. is this the right direction:

Maybe I am a little confused how would I connect the point the the ceiling. Thanks for your help.

Your nodes aren’t visible, you’ll need to zoom in before screenshotting.

Your List.IsEmpty node is not returning a True or False value, see if changing the lacing and/or list levels helps.

Your Node" LinkElement.By Ray Bounce’ already show the output.
Maybe you can try to make a List.Flatten to see it?

Here’s an example, i am aligning some instances to ceiling in linked model.