Categorize the elements by warning error message

I am trying to remove warnings in Revit 2017. is there any to Categorize the elements by warning error message. then I can isolate and eliminate the error by reviewing one by one.

Warnings.dyn (9.9 KB)

Maybe GroupByKey ? The warning error as key :slight_smile:

I tried its not working…:frowning: :upside_down_face:

What about the “affected elements”? They are grouped by error message? :slight_smile:

No, actually this data from exported HTML file…

Can you upload the html report? :slight_smile:


HTML file

And maybe the Revit file :smiley:

What does this gives you?

See my image.

Don’t create a line from “File Path” to the Parse.ErrorReport in the buttom :slight_smile:

The “affected elements” are the list and the “error messages” are the func.

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I don’t think its dos the job…:frowning: is there any other way isolate the warnings in Revit 2017.

Too sad.
I can’t recreate the problem (dno why), so I don’t think I can help you further. Sorry.

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@CVestesen thank you mate… if I find anythink further I will share here…

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Here I got…

isolating revit warnings by category

and here somethink is the result…


Try the Bang package
Maybe it helps

The GetWarnings() method unfortunately won’t work for Revit 2017…so far i know…:frowning:

See if this works …

errorReport.dyn (11.7 KB)

fil01 = DSOffice.Data.ImportCSV(errRpt);
rpt01 = String.Remove(List.DropItems(List.DropItems(String.Concat(List.Transpose(fil01)),3),-1),0,4);

eID01 = List.TakeEveryNthItem(rpt01,2,0);
eID02 = String.AllIndicesOf(eID01," id ");
eID03 = String.ToNumber(String.Substring(eID01,eID02+3,7));
elm01 = Revit.Elements.ElementSelector.ByElementId(eID03);

//Error Messages
err01 = List.TakeEveryNthItem(rpt01,2,1);
err02 = String.IndexOf(err01,">")+3;
err03 = String.LastIndexOf(err01,"<") - String.IndexOf(err01,">") - 5;
err04 = List.TakeItems(String.Substring(err01,err02,err03),List.Count(eID03));

@Vikram_Subbaiah thank you…but I got Null

@_Vijay Try deleting a line and reconnecting as shown in the image below. Would like to see what you get