I am trying to remove warnings in Revit 2017. is there any to Categorize the elements by warning error message. then I can isolate and eliminate the error by reviewing one by one.
Warnings.dyn (9.9 KB)
I am trying to remove warnings in Revit 2017. is there any to Categorize the elements by warning error message. then I can isolate and eliminate the error by reviewing one by one.
Warnings.dyn (9.9 KB)
Maybe GroupByKey ? The warning error as key
I tried its not working…
What about the “affected elements”? They are grouped by error message?
Can you upload the html report?
And maybe the Revit file
See my image.
Don’t create a line from “File Path” to the Parse.ErrorReport in the buttom
The “affected elements” are the list and the “error messages” are the func.
Too sad.
I can’t recreate the problem (dno why), so I don’t think I can help you further. Sorry.
@CVestesen thank you mate… if I find anythink further I will share here…
Try the Bang package
Maybe it helps
The GetWarnings() method unfortunately won’t work for Revit 2017…so far i know…
See if this works …
fil01 = DSOffice.Data.ImportCSV(errRpt);
rpt01 = String.Remove(List.DropItems(List.DropItems(String.Concat(List.Transpose(fil01)),3),-1),0,4);
eID01 = List.TakeEveryNthItem(rpt01,2,0);
eID02 = String.AllIndicesOf(eID01," id ");
eID03 = String.ToNumber(String.Substring(eID01,eID02+3,7));
elm01 = Revit.Elements.ElementSelector.ByElementId(eID03);
//Error Messages
err01 = List.TakeEveryNthItem(rpt01,2,1);
err02 = String.IndexOf(err01,">")+3;
err03 = String.LastIndexOf(err01,"<") - String.IndexOf(err01,">") - 5;
err04 = List.TakeItems(String.Substring(err01,err02,err03),List.Count(eID03));
@_Vijay Try deleting a line and reconnecting as shown in the image below. Would like to see what you get