My script draw lines of floor but can’t create. How can i solve this?
döşeme2.dyn (14.6 KB)
Not sure why that node isn’t working. Try using Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel
First i tried by using Floor.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel .
second i tried geometry.expolde. But still does not work
Hi @arincakkin try get the levels plane and pull your curves on that plane ,probably could help
Could you share you dwg ?
Sure. thank you for your time.
Here are my dwg and dyn
kat1-5 - Kopya.dwg (76.8 KB)
döşeme.dyn (24.7 KB)
If the interior squares are part of your curve list, then those are causing the error. You will need to filter out to just the perimeter curves when using the floor.byoutline node.
Hi @arincakkin ok… here with crumple…
and a way with ootb and spring for floor opening