I’m trying to copy a list of elements from a linked file to the host file using Element IDs that I got from Navisworks Clash reports. Dynamo has identified the elements from the links but when I send it through the Rhythm Copy elements node it returns an error saying cannot copy element.
Any idea what I’m doing wrong? Or if there is a better way of achieving this?
Start by using the element’s UniqueId as ElementIds are not persistent.
I think the issue here is the top nodes is expecting a linkElement but is getting elements, the other nodes are also trying to save elements at the same time so you may be getting conflicting transactions. Try one node at a time. There may be issues with hosted elements as well if their isn’t a host in the current document.
Unfortunately the UniqueId nodes only work with the current document and I couldn’t get the Clockwork node to work so a little python is in order. Once you have your elements and as you only have one document I think the middle rhythm node should work (I was able to get it working)
import clr
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *
def get_element(doc, ids):
if isinstance(ids, str):
return doc.GetElement(ids)
elements = []
for id in ids:
return elements
doc = IN[0] # Link document
ids = IN[1] # Element UniqueId strings
OUT = get_element(doc, ids)
You could do this or just use an equals node and filter by bool mask
This worked! Thanks a ton!
Should have tried that before hand but it never crossed my mind…
Was able to get the Rythm node working when I used the right list depth… The Biimorph node is still unresponsive though…