Cannot get geometry out of selected Revit element face (result of spline extrusion)


I’m relatively new to Dynamo and i’ve encountered the following issue while trying to do some operations with Revit geometry.
I’m using Dynamo 1.0 and Revit 2017 to select the faces of an element, create a poly-surface from them and then offset that surface.
When working with an extrusion out of a profile containing a spline (no matter how simple), the face of the element that results from the spline part of the contour doesn’t show in Dynamo when selected (Using the Select Face or Select Faces nodes)and, of course, it cannot be used for geometric operations. Of course neither can the element as a whole.

It seems that Dynamo cannot convert this type of Revit structure into the geometry it uses.

Has anyone encountered this? Is this a long-standing issue that i am not aware of?


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Sometimes there is geometry that Dynamo has trouble processing. In most cases a small alteration to the geometry sets thing right.
But you seem to indicate that even simple splines have a problem.
Kindly post sample files (or links). That would help explain your issue better.

Here’s an image of a basic model showing two types of elements : structural framing and Mass, both modeled in place and both extrusions from a simple profile with 3 lines and one spline defined by 3 points.

For some reason the face of the spline can be selected and operations can be performed on it. The other one cannot be used in dynamo (as you can see in the list for the Select Faces node)

Seems i cannot upload a project file (i am a new user) but perhaps you can try the case in the picture.


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Seems to be a problem.
It would be good if you could report it here

Thank you Vikram, i’ve added the issue here

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I’m still seeing this as an issue in 1.2.1. Select Faces node doesn’t seem to work at all for selecting faces of a Revit mass.


I have the same issue to calculate the center of gravity for Solids made with splines.

Now tring to find a way around by converting the spines to curves…

It has been a while since anyone commented on this but I’m still having the same issue. With splines, and even with a circle it won’t get the geometry. Did anyone find a workaround?

Still seem to be having same result = (no result) trying to select multiple faces of mass to extrude them all at the same time, but dynamo doesnt seem to understand the selection