Hi All, I am looking to chanmer the all of the column edges in revit, i was able to get the dynamo geometry chamfered but can we get this chmafered geometry back to revit??
I believe no, but can we somehow use it to update family or anything from this data quickly
Best bet is to edit the faith itself instead of the geometry or modifying the element after loading it into the job. Assuming you have one family type it’d be four manual edits to the family followed by one effort to reload into the project.
One other possibility is to use the Solid.Chamfer node instead of the poysurface and get the difference between the original Colin and the chamfered one. The resulting solid could be used as a void family which you could use to cut the family. This is WAY heavier of an operation and is likely to be significantly slower than modifying your sketch or hosting a new void in your family.