Hello, I’m new to Dynamo and I need some help to get started. If this is addressed somewhere else please point it to me, I couldn’t find it.
I am trying to create a definition to change material tags types. Our standard uses different symbols for material tags: triangles for walls, circle for floors e square for ceilings. So i want to identify the host of the tag, test if it’s a wall (or any other category) and change the type of the tag to the appropriate one. The identification part i think I’ve already got to work. What I’m struggling with is to change the tag type! Even with a simple definition like the one below i couldn’t make it to work. If i try with a different category (I’ve tested with a parking object) this same definition works, but not with material tag.
The familyInstance.SetType node gives me only a null.
Hi Kulkul, thank you very much for your help! I got to get it working with change family type node. but something went wrong when i tried to use a list with all tags of a certain type.
When i use the list with the single element (defined in the group) the script works, but when i use the big list, which is in use in the image above, it doesn´t. The lists looks of the same type to me, so I don’t know why I can’t get it to work. Is there something wrong in this definition?
Well, i got it working with the OOTB SetParameterByName!! Still interested in knowing why doesn’t works with the Change Family Type node. If someone has a clue…
Now I am filtering the host elements of the tags so i can change the tags’ types accordingly. The filter is working but when i hit run i get an serious error warning from Revit and can’t continue. Seems like dynamo loses the connection with Revit. I had to restart Revit but only to get the same error again. Someone have a idea of why this is happening? Thanks again. Don’t mind replying this, I’ve just noticed I’m trying change floors to material tag type. My bad!